Sunday, April 18, 2010

Thoughts on Celebrity Rehab...and Jesus

I was watching Sober House the other day while I was working out (there was nothing else on), and I seriously just felt like I wanted to jump through the screen and INTERVENE... well, not me necessarily but the JESUS in me. I started to think about the Mary Magdalene and her Jesus encounter with the Alabaster box. I wonder how close these sweet and broken women were to that woman who captured Jesus heart and attention that night. I can picture Him walking into "rehab" and first and foremost demolishing every lying, thieving demon that has ravished every mind and soul in the establishment. I see Him picking up the pieces of every broken and devastated life and putting them back together...perfectly...right in front of unbelievably grateful faces. I see worn out, used up, love starved, human scared women falling desperately and helplessly into the lap of eternal love, finally unconditionally loved. Oh Jesus, show up, show Your Face, release Your light, I know people don't think they need you, but they so desperately do!
The other side to this story is the reality of the undeniable, uncontainable desire I have to see hurting, hopeless people experience Jesus Love. I know that it can change any person and any problem. God, please, please send people who need you into my life and then give me the courage to share Your heart with them.